It's already mid-March!
Where did January and February go?
I feel like I haven't done enough and March is already leaving in 2 weeks.
What's this sorcery? Hahaha.
Anyway. Haven't been writing much because there is nothing for me to write. No ideas yet but look out for my next review of a massage place. Hahaha.
I think the last time I actually reviewed a massage parlour in Singapore is actually 2 years ago for "Rule of Thumb". And lately, I've been travelling to jb for massage. Maybe I should write about that as well. Okay. I will try to snap pics the next time I'm there and then write a detailed review for all.
So yes. Its gonna be a self maintenance day tomorrow because I'll be on leave. Off work to a manicure, good 'ol shoulder and foot massage to a hair cut - or trim as you may call it. Since I'm only trimming off the ends. Hahaha.
I'm trying out this new massage place tomorrow. In Singapore and not jb. Hahaha. It's one of the up and coming massage parlours I think. Well, let's see how it goes and I'll update soon I promise! Cheers to a good Thursday! TGIF tomorrow guys. Have fun~