Wednesday, 20 May 2015

RENO progress and a little more rants

Recall a few weeks ago, I mentioned my place was undergoing reno? Yeah, here's what it looks like right now.
Current Kitchen Condition - after hacking of tiles
Zoom-in on how the wall looks like. I couldn't understand why there were 2 colours for the wall.
Huge pile of soil/ sand in the house prepping for tiling.
Can you imagine your place like this? HAHAHA. The first thought that went through my mind was, "COOL~! Never knew this is how it looks like bare." But the first thought that went through my mum's mind was... "DIE! I need to clean like siao!" HAHAHAHA. See the difference? I was just carefree and enjoying the experience and my mum was already thinking of all the things she has to do after.

Anyhow, that's about all the progress I have for my place right now. Something random from yesterday. I've also mentioned previously that I am staying at the Bay Hotel right? I saw bus 131 when I left the hotel for work yesterday morning and realized it can send me to and fro from work and school. So yesterday, having ended class early, I decided to take the bus and head back to Bay Hotel. But I can’t bloody find the bus-stop.

myTransport Application on Bus Service 131's route
Google Maps with no indication of a bus-stop opposite the SOTA building.
Based on the MyTransport app, there should be a bus stop on Prinsep Street right in front of the NTUC income centre. But, if you refer to the map, you don't see it do you? There is no bus stop!!! I went around there for 15mins or so. Even went around back – when I clearly knew the back is no longer Prinsep Street – trying to locate the bus stop but I just couldn’t. I gave up on the bus idea and ended taking the train from Dhoby to Harborfront. If any of you knows where that bus stop is, please tell me! I got back alright but I forgot the hotel photos. Will take some and upload them within this week or so.

Anyhow, I took 131 to work today and it was so fast! I think I got lucky, exiting the hotel and walking to the bus stop when the bus is just arriving. Hopped on, and I got to tanjong pagar is less than 10mins. Well, traffic was good too. So, that’s a plus. For the rest of the week, I shall try to take the bus in the morning cause I can grab breakfast or at least, coffee before entering office. 

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