Wednesday, 16 January 2019

GOODBYE 2018, HELLO 2019!

Happy 2019 to all! 

I know its already the 3rd week of 2019 but work has been a whole game of catch up ever since 2019 started. How was 2018 for you? Did you manage to acheive the goals you set out to achieve?

Personally, 2018 has been kind, blessed and nothing short of challenging.
I've travelled a little lesser than I hope for because of work,
I've felt more blessed than ever because of the lovely colleagues at work, and,
I've been stressed and challenged so much more because of work.

I'm pretty sure that by now you can tell... 2018, for me, has been mostly about work.

To be honest, I got caught in a (bad) situation where I was required to accept things as is. "Getting off work on time", "getting planned leave days" and "workout days" left me after the first half of 2017 and never came back in 2018. 

I could not clear my leave days because work beckons (tbh, even though I had plans before, I cancelled as I couldn't drop these projects because I felt responsible. Unlike *ahem*). I got sick so much even when I'm not someone that falls sick often. It sucks so bad cause usually when I do (fall sick), it's pretty hard to recover and it just takes a freaking long time. In fact, 2018 was hands-down the year with the highest medical leave record in my 6-year full time working history - a whooping 11/14 days of medical leave.

It was so tough and I got so bogged down that I sacrificed more "me" to adjust and juggle better.
The only times I get to travel, I travel for work. The good thing though, was that I got to meet more people but well, travelling for work is not all that glorious. In fact, it's mostly sad.

So starting 2019, I wanted to start it on the right foot. Getting off work (relatively) on time on the first day of work! Yet I clocked overtime till 8pm the very next day. And almost everyday the week after.



Here's hoping that 2019 would only get better! Gotta work harder and smarter to get more "me-time" and more "balanced" hardworking days! Will be following up with a review promised last year - medicube - by the end of this week. 

Till then~

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