Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Dear Singtel

I actually wrote this feedback to Singtel slightly more than a week back.

And according to the auto-reply I received, I was supposed to hear back from them in 3-5 working days yet no response till now. NADA! So, just sharing...

I am writing this after my "awesome" experience with your 1688 call-in.
I've tried on 3 occasions today, albeit with different numbers and they all got me on hold for more than 10mins, to which I gave up because work beckons.
At 1925, I finally got through after all that waiting to a rude operator, Bee.
(I got her service/ employee number as well and they were in the email to Singtel, but let's leave it out for this entry).
Frankly, I do think that she is just trying to do her job, following protocols, but I couldn't entirely agree. So here's the background.
Account Holder: My DadMobile Line User: My Mum (my dad has multiple lines)
1688 Caller: Me
On Friday last week (Hari Raya), my parents and I went to the nearest Singtel Exclusive Retailer to recontract both my mum's and my dad's line. Recontracted an iPhone 8plus for my dad and since my mum's phone is still working well, she had no intention to change. Yet we were told that we're no longer allowed to recontract a line without a phone and was told that, since the plan is due (24months) on 18-Jun, we should either come back again on Sunday, or to call in to 1688 to make the necessary changes. I hated calling in to 1688 because of the long waiting times, so on Sunday, I made sure to head down to the outlet again. However, after waiting for approximately 30mins or so, this other service personnel told us that we cannot downgrade the line to a SIM-only plan because the contract will only be up on 18th - which we were a day early. If we insist on doing so, we will have to pay a penalty of $40.
So, unfortunately, I was tasked by my dad to call in today - on the exact date of 18-Jun - to downgrade one of his mobile lines, used by my mum, to a SIM-only plan. As much as I hated it, I did it for my dad and Singtel Operators never fail to amaze me at how effective they are at testing my patience. When I finally got through to Bee, she mentioned that I wasn't allowed to make any changes. I explained that my dad works night shifts and that he is not with me, but I am able to provide all the necessary information. But no, she insisted that he has to be present during the call.
I'm really sorry, but which part of "he works nights" is unclear?
Then Bee explained that it's because of PDPA that she couldn't verify anything with me - even when I could provide all the information, she didn't want any.

This, I hatefully and honestly understand.

But what irritated me was that on one hand she refused confirmation due to PDPA, yet on the other, she requested for my NRIC.
As someone who is not a Singtel customer, how do I know if my information will be protected?
I refused and she insisted that if I refuse, there was nothing she could do.
Knowing that if I didn't budge, everything will be on a standstill so I gave in.
I'm truly ashamed to say that I showed some bad taste in my replies but this is really wearing on my patience. She requested and obtained my full name and NRIC, as well as my dad's number to call and verify while placing me on hold. So here's another thought...
If I bore any ill-intent, I could always provide a fake number with an accomplice to help, no?
So what is the PDPA that you actually uphold?
I do understand that she may just be following protocols. So I hope Singtel sees just how bad your protocols are.

If you have a set of rules, define them.

Educate your exclusive retailers properly so as to not waste each other's time.
My family and I took time to head down to the outlet on Sunday (again), and I specifically asked if there was going to be any issues if I was the caller.
The advise was "no problem, everything can be done over a phone call".
Yet the truth differs.
You updated your system yet it was imported with inaccurate data.
My dad's DOB became 01-Jan-1901. Seriously! Does it even make sense?!
As a consumer, I sincerely urge you to improve your customer service standards.
Porting telcos are easier by the minute and there is no reason to stay committed to Singtel. If such inconveniences and inefficiencies are not improved, there is absolutely no reason for consumers to stay loyal - aside from the contract period to avoid penalty. "Big company syndromes" don't last and without your consumers (and backing), I don't see how you're going to be able to survive the long years ahead even when you're the major market holder now.

I am so glad that I decided to switch my personal line to Starhub years ago.
They are so much more efficient! Whoohoo!

Although I couldn't care less whether Singtel replies me or not, I am still interested to know what they are going to reply. Haha. So, if I do get a reply... Will share it up too. If not, yeah well, you'll know that they're not bothered with one little customer like me...

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