Everything's just moving too fast, seriously. I was hoping to finish my degree at the soonest possible but finishing 3 modules in 12 weeks is really FAST~!
I don't know if I've had the actual lessons in my head but I know I've got to study hard to pass my exams, and I got to work hard at work to get my promotion. Yet all these come at the cost of sleep and sleep is my energy... They are like 3 lines never meeting. Ughs.
See what I mean? |
I don't know anymore. Should I really try to finish everything at the soonest? Will I be 'free-er' if I take only 2 modules each "trimester"? Will I be able to promote if I gave up one more than the other? What is the opportunity cost in here. ARGHS.
Irritated by my own questions. Shall head to bed and get myself more energy for work as much as I can... Nights~!
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