Friday, 7 August 2015

Waiting to board...

I'm blogging as I am waiting to board the plane. Somehow, I always think that it's logical to have food before boarding the plane. 

Once again, I am wrong. Or they are wrong! I did ask okay? Not that I blindly went in without confirming... Scammed again by KLIA2. I need to remind myself that this happens too often. Sigh. Faster call for boarding! Don't delay ar! I need SuperMaggie to rescue my stomach. If you know what I mean (;

Anyhow, this work trip hasn't been all that fruitful. My trainee had some family emergency and called one day short. Of course, training plans are slightly behind schedule and I sort of wasted this trip. Oh well, no point looking bad right? Forward, here I come! But first... SUPERMAGGIE, I NEED YOU~!

Today is 7th August, one of Singapore's Jubilee weekend. Extra holiday for all Singaporeans and those working in Songapore. And for me, replacement off on Tuesday! Long weekend too but I'm afraid it's mostly been booked for books. Yes, you read right. I have a date with my books for the next few days so as to prepare for my exams. Got to do well especially since I'm slogging my guts out at work and school while sacrificing my sleep. Beauty does not come cheap, cause pimples popping on my forehead like multi-buy. 




Okay, I should stop typing 'Sigh'. Hahaha. Frankly, looking back at this trip, it has been fun. Somehow I've became a fan of PARK STAR unknowingly. Hahaha. 

And, although I am more like a carrier... I managed to score some Korean seaweed for myself and the team from Park. Hahahaha. 

Leaving you with the picture and the mental image of Korean Seaweed. Drool now and never see it. Muahahaha. Okay, signing off. 

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