Sunday, 31 August 2014

This month’s colour light purple πŸ’œ (Though it looks a little like pink) #EBJ622 (at Toofdoctor Serangoon)

2nd Braces Adjustment - 3rd month into wearing braces. So far it has been love and hate - maximum hate and minimum love actually. Hahaha. As you might be aware, I love to eat. And, with the braces on, it restricts me to what I can eat because I hate the feeling of food stuck between my teeth or braces. 

This month, it’s gonna be a new challenge because I’m putting on some rubber bands. Rather, one rubber band on the right side of my teeth. Why? Because there’s this one stubborn tooth that is not moving in with the rest. So it needs to rubber band to correct it manually. 

Hoping it’s going to get easier after today because the bands are really difficult to fit in and, it makes my daily routine longer than usual. HAHA. Also, gums really hurt after the adjustment yesterday. Can’t wait for next month’s adjustment. Hopefully, I can bid goodbye to the rubber bands. :)

p.s. ebj622 denotes Ellie’s Braces Journey from 22-Jun.

1 comment:

  1. It can be really annoying to deal with braces, rubber bands and the whole ordeal. The good news is, the inconvenience is only temporary and the end result is fantastic. You feel like a whole brand new person when your braces finally come off and you have beautiful and perfect teeth. You get a whole new lease on life which is the best reward!

    Maricela Gauthier @
