People always rave about how good Koreans skin is but do you know how particular they are about the basics? There’s always this “10-Steps” regime that they follow to a T on a daily basis. I will share my own adapted version below which is slightly more than “10-Steps”. Hahaha.
Even if you’re not a make-up person like me, but if you do put on sunblock, you need to remove it as if you’re removing make up. So yes, I double cleanse my face every night. In a month, I am proud to say that my face is ¾ clear. As a girl, I am always bothered by PMS breakouts. So, aside from that, all’s well.
Start off with an Oil Cleanser. For me, it will be the SKINFOOD’s BLACK SUGAR OIL CLEANSER and it has a very lemony (not citrus, just lemon) smell that I love. Always start your oil cleanse with clean hands, in fact, never touch your face without washing them first! Wash your hands thoroughly, wipe them dry and then pump 2-3 pumps of oil and start massaging them into your skin. You can add a little water to emulsify it for better cleansing.
After which, I will continue with a Bubble/ Cream cleanser. Currently, I am using the Hada labo AHA/BHA Bubble Cleanser. Frankly, I feel that the moisturising effect for this is not quite sufficient so I might actually switch back to the hydrating cream cleanser.

The next stop will be toning. I use a variety of toners. Technically steps 4 and 5 are both toners. Step 4 is more of a cleansing toner while Step 5 is more of a hydrating toner.
Since I have fairly sensitive skin, I choose my toners carefully to avoid alcohol as much as I can. Usually I am using the ICM Witch Hazel and Rose Water.
Witch Hazel is very good for sensitive skin, however, it smells pretty strong and most people may not like it. Guardian has their own house brand but it does contain alcohol so I prefer the ICM brand since it is alcohol free and gentler on the skin. You can find it at the pharmaceutical section of TTSH, Unity and selected Guardian stores – where all the bandages and rubbing alcohol are – for approximately 6SGD. It does a pretty good job in keeping your skin clear and refreshed.

While shopping on Qoo10 one day, I saw highly advertised “BEAUTY WATER” and was attracted to it because of the sleek bottle.
Yes, I’m superficial like that. Hahaha. When it arrived, I started using it as a night toner and I loved it since. It smells a little peculiar. I’m not too sure how to describe it but it’s a good kind of peculiar. Hahaha. It really cleanses well and it also leaves your face refreshed after.
Yes, I’m superficial like that. Hahaha. When it arrived, I started using it as a night toner and I loved it since. It smells a little peculiar. I’m not too sure how to describe it but it’s a good kind of peculiar. Hahaha. It really cleanses well and it also leaves your face refreshed after.
Enough about Cleansing Toners, and moving on to moisturising toners, I am in love with HADA LABO Hydrating SHA Lotion. I know it is advertised to use it by dripping a few drops onto your palms and spreading it across your face while patting dry for maximum absorption. However, there was one day where I was confused – since I pour my contents into pump bottles for easy usage – and I pumped the contents of the wrong bottle onto the ‘toner cloths’ and used them on my face. I pat my toners on my face as well and when I realised the error, I also realised that my skin actually felt softer. Since then, I have been using it this way. Hahaha. Trial and Error, I guess!
About the ‘Toner Cloths’ – I’m actually not sure if this is the right name for it but instead of using cotton pads that soak up most of your product, I use these ‘toner cloths’ that are more like your wet tissue materials, just dry and already pre-cut into squares. Hahaha. They don't soak up your product much as they just act as a barrier to help remove dirt and also ‘return’ the products to your face. Hmm. I don't know if it makes sense to you. I found a similar or possibly same item online here it might give you a better idea?
Alright, so where am I? Right, Step 6. Frankly, I still can’t decide whether the HADA LABO Moisturizing SHA Cream or the regular Moisturizing Cream is better. Both do help to moisturise my skin but I think the SHA one will help to lighten scars though I can’t really judge that. Essentially, do remember that even with a hydrating lotion, you need to moisturize.
Keep in mind that,
Keep in mind that,
Hydrating ≠ Moisturising.You need both to keep your skin healthy and glowing.
When I visited Korea the last time, the lady at the cosmetic shop told me that I did not need to start on any eye or neck cream. I was only 19 back then. Even in Korea, they usually only start these creams at the age of 25. If you need to, use it marginally. I do use it only on a weekly basis for now as the skin near your eyes (in your 20s) is still very young and sensitive. Exposing them to such strong products will make them more dependant in future. So, limited usage ya?
Sheet Masks – the ultimate convenience! Most of you know that I travel a lot of work and most of the time, I do not check in any luggages because of the ‘fast-in-fast-out’ results from work. So, I always make sure to pack sheet masks with me when I travel, in case I can't pack enough bottles in my carry-on. Sometimes, I even use it on a daily basis when I am abroad because the air (up there, literally) dries up your skin even when you don't feel it yet. While I’m on land in Singapore, I will try to use it at least twice a week. And my all-time favourite for now is THEFACE SHOP 3D Ampoule Mask Sheet Hyaluronic Acid & Colostrum mask. It’s a 2 step mask where you first apply the ampoule and then the sheet mask.
After that, I will follow up with emulsion/ serum. In my case, I use Horse Oil as my emulsion. Sounds weird? Hahaha. Have you heard of the highly-raved “Horse Oil” lately? It’s been crazy hot selling in Qoo10 (various brands) and almost all major retailers have started to carry them. Isetan and BHG carry the GUERISSION brand from Germany.
Spot the orange round box on the shelves. It is almost everywhere all of a sudden. A friend told me that Horse Oil has been popular in Japan since long ago and that it is an all-purpose moisturises for the entire household. By that, I meant that you can use it from head to toe and for all ages. I’m not sure if the same applies for the GUERISSION brand though. Anyhow, when my colleagues went to Japan, I asked them to get me a few bottles and they got me three different brands.
I heard the Son Bahyu is the best but I’ve got 2 common pharmaceutical brands as well. All of them cost no more than 15SGD each. Yes, you’ve read right, the bottles of this volume will sell for more than 30SGD in Singapore. So, if you’re really interest to try it out, if you do visit Japan or have any friends visiting, ask them to get you a bottle first. From what I know, all major drug stores carry some - even the ones at the airport. It is THAT common. You just have to utter the words “BAH YU” which translates to 马油 or Horse Oil. And yes, sorry for digressing but I have been using them in my skincare routine and my hair too! Both of which are seemingly healthier now.
When the skin is bad with breakouts, I will follow-up with some acne care first. I am a great fan of essential oils and have been using them in my skincare routine. I took a mini workshop about blending of essential oils before so sometimes, I will mix my own blend for my skin or headaches, etc. When dealing with essential oils, always remember… “A little goes a long way”. Too much of the essential oil – without the right proportions will actually make your skin worse than what you started off with. So, please take care ya? Nonetheless, I use THURSDAY PLANTATION’s Blemish Gel for acne. I used to get the Blemish Stick from Australia.
Imagine a lip gloss applicator, but the same tube and brush for your acne. Convenient, isn’t it? Too bad, the blemish stick is not available in Singapore so I just had to settle for the gel.

Last but not least, to end off, finish your routine with a sleeping mask to seal in all the moisture and then some more! Hahaha. Sounds like a very long list of things to do but frankly, all these take less than 10mins. It really won’t take up much of your sleep time.
If you're thinking how I slap so many products on my face in the morning, I don't. This is mainly a night routine. However, the morning routine is somewhat similar. Lookout for those coloured in orange, from Cleansing to Toning to Hydrating to Moisturising and Sun Blocking – the 5 main steps for the day. Remember, taking care of your skin the right way is much better than spending hundreds on your products. Hope you find this helpful!
Most products can be easily purchased from major pharmacies - Guardian, Watsons, Unity - in Singapore except
4. Beauty Water, and,
9. BAHYU/ 马油/ Horse Oil
Click on the names above and it should link you up to the best online seller/ bargain that I've found thus far! Do note that I have not bought the BAHYU from that seller before. Please vet through and unless you're comfortable ordering from that blogshop, continue. If not, I guess it would be better to first try the GUERISSION brands first.
As for Skinfood and Faceshop, you should be linked to the store directory so that you can easily pinpoint the nearest outlet for your convenience.
1. Skinfood Black Sugar Oil Cleanser
8. The Face Shop 3D Ampoule Mask Sheet Hyaluronic Acid & Colostrum mask
Sorry, this post got much longer than I planned. Thank you for reading. Cheers~!
Most products can be easily purchased from major pharmacies - Guardian, Watsons, Unity - in Singapore except
4. Beauty Water, and,
9. BAHYU/ 马油/ Horse Oil
Click on the names above and it should link you up to the best online seller/ bargain that I've found thus far! Do note that I have not bought the BAHYU from that seller before. Please vet through and unless you're comfortable ordering from that blogshop, continue. If not, I guess it would be better to first try the GUERISSION brands first.
As for Skinfood and Faceshop, you should be linked to the store directory so that you can easily pinpoint the nearest outlet for your convenience.
1. Skinfood Black Sugar Oil Cleanser
8. The Face Shop 3D Ampoule Mask Sheet Hyaluronic Acid & Colostrum mask
Sorry, this post got much longer than I planned. Thank you for reading. Cheers~!
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