Wednesday 30 December 2015

Review before 2016...

I should have done this review in June, like a mid-year progress check but I think I forgot about it. Hahahaha. So, we'll just do it at the end of the year ya?
Before I whisk off to Bangkok for the new year, let's talk about what I've done and not done for those resolutions that I set out to complete in 2015.
Alright then. So looking at the 2015 Resolutions, Super "Proud" (ahem *ashamed* ahem) to say that I have achieved 4.5/10.

Let's talk about those I achieved.
(1) Eat Healthier & exercise more +.5
Technically, I am eating healthier but I dont see myself exercising more. At least not much different from the previous year. Now that I've received a FITBIT on my birthday, let's try running more in 2016.

(4) Spend more time reading
Essentially, I only got my kindle after my birthday, but yes, I've been caught up with all the paperbacks I've stocked up on previously. Yes, nerdball here but who cares? I love me fictions and fantasies. A girl can dream. Hahaha.

(5) Spend more time with my family
Probably because of school, I'm getting off work earlier and home more often. My schedule's like schools on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays nights. And when I dont have classes, I either finish rushing my work or to head home earlier to rest. Somehow, somewhat, through all these rushing, more time is spent with the family which is something I am pretty happy about.

(6) Revamp the house
If you've been reading my blog since July, you would have noticed a few renovation photos. So yes, this is definitely checked!

(10) Consider School
I was supposed to seriously consider school. The keyword here (or there) was CONSIDER. However, when I was looking through the applications, good timing I may say, I chanced upon a 'recruitment talk' for Murdoch with Kaplan. One of the choices I was considering before. And almost right after the talk, I signed up. So instead of considering, I've made the choice and yes, I am suffering the effects now. Hahaha.

As for those I failed to achieve are:
(2) Get Lasik Done
I had to save my savings for school fees so... this just has to wait.

(3) Get attached
Hahahahahaha. I received many questions about this too cause I am at that age where my friends are all starting to get married or engaged. So... my answer for now is... I want to. However, I cannot be selfish. I hardly have time for myself after the work and school. I cannot imagine someone giving me only 10% (or 5%) of their attention and I can't do the same to someone else. So yes, this too have to wait till I graduate.

(7) Work hard & (9) Get Promoted
It's always disappointing when you know you've done your best but the results just doesn't show ehs? Yeah, this was it. Pissed off but there is nothing I can do but wait till the day it comes. Even though I can only wit till 2016, let's just hope it comes soon.

(8) Play hard
Truthfully, I highly doubt I have been able to play at all, let alone hard. This year has been tough but I'm toughing it out like I usually do. Sow the seeds and bear the fruits. Hopefully, the fruits will ripen by Sep (since I will end school then - provided I pass all my units) and everything is much easier then.

To a better year! Will share my 2016 Resolutions after Bangkok. Some fresh air to think, some money to spend before I decide on anything. Hahaha! Cheers, and have a happy new year guys!

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