Thursday 24 December 2015

Season of giving...

Christmas is around the corner again and I always like how giving people are - kinder than usual and more tolerant to mistakes (Not that I'm making any)... But yeah, you get what I mean. Season of giving yo!

Before actually talking about Christmas, I just want to babble about my presents!! As in, birthday presents~ Hahaha. I received my Kindle – that I bought for myself, and my SOUFEEL bracelet – that I designed and bought for myself. They arrived 2 days after my birthday. Let’s just say, it’s a belated birthday present and an early Christmas present for myself. Hahaha.
Super stoked to receive these items. Have been using the kindle and I can’t really put it down. It’s the bookworm in me that’s not allowing me to drop any books until I complete them. And with the lightness of the Kindle, it’s just awesome~! Only downside is that although font and colour looks like a book, the feel is not that exact anymore. I love the smell of new books. Am so gonna miss them now. Hahaha.
And, about the SOUFEEL bracelet, I knew about this because of cousin MEOW. She made it for another cousin as a wedding present. Do you know you can customise charms to your own design? Check out the website and yes, there is a template to follow but this already gives you so much to work with than PANDORA. With that in mind, and since I’ve always wanted a non-gawky looking allergy bracelet, I created ‘artworks’ for my allergies and sent it in for printing. The outcome was pretty good, I think. Not too bad for a “PANDORA” bracelet with a cheaper price tag. Do note that I read online that PANDORA charms will work on this bracelet but these charms may not work on PANDORA bracelets because they have no threads. There is neither safety chain nor chip for SOUFEEL bracelets. However, they do have their version of a ‘stopper’ to help stop the bracelet from ‘swinging’ too much. Since I already have a full Pandora bracelet, this gives me more ‘space’ to work with. Whee-oh-whee~!
And yes, I also received something I wanted for a long time ever since my MiBand got drowned in water… and that is… fitbit. My team got it for me, and it’s my favourite colour. Green/ Teal/ Mint yo! Hahaha. Although I already got the tracker from National Steps Challenge, I will use fitbit when I run. Until the NSC ends, I will switch back to my watches and fitbit…
My Boss drew a "FIToBITo" for me while the NSC tracker is on the right.
The actual fitbit that I received
Alright, back to the topic of this post – SEASON OF GIVING… This year, I was really interested in the “SNOWMAN SOUP” that I saw on Pinterest. It’s so adorable, I can’t really say no to it. And its not exactly expensive either. All you need is:
  • Marshmallows (preferably small ones)
  • Hot Cocoa Mix, and,
  • Bags/ Containers (depending on your personal preference and design).

All images taken from Google/ Pinterest
That said, I didn't have enough time to create those cute hats for the top of the bag seal because if I did, I have to cut them down to size properly and past the stripes accordingly.
So, instead of that, to try to be more sincere, I tried to create and design this card to personalise/ customise it to the Singapore Weather. Hahaha. Effort okay? So here’s how it went,
December rains like snow in Singapore, 
Temperatures drop and cool some more, 
Sipping a cuppa Snowman Soup, 
Warm yourselves and share a scoop!
My own version... :)
The usual (regular) version you find on the net/ pinterest is:
Was told you've been real good all year, always glad to hear it!
With freezing weather drawing near, you'll need to warm the spirit.
So, here's a little snowman soup, complete with stirring stick.
Just add hot water & sip it slow.
It's sure to do the trick!

So yes, each year, I will prepare these small gifts for all (almost) my colleagues. Just a little thought to warm our hearts, I think. It doesn't hurt my wallet (giver) since they are all small gifts and not so expensive, all you need is to invest a little more time. Of course, friends and colleagues closer to heart will not only receive these but also more interesting presents. I specially ‘designed’ hand phone covers for my team like below and went on a shopping spree for my other friends and colleagues. 
Like I said, season of giving, it's the one time of the year where it feels really good to spend money and give back. Hahaha. Well, to me at least…

Cheers to a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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